Meet Greg Desaye
Whip Construction
I make nylon stock whips, bull whips, and snake whips, hand-braided over a loaded nylon core. Helping neighboring ranchers move and work cattle here in Southwest Montana is my favorite way of testing my own whips.
DeSaye Hand-Braided Whips --
Widely Used, Long Lasting
My nylon whips are being used in many states, as well as Denmark, Australia, Germany and Canada.
Nylon whips are not affected by the weather and last longer under harsher conditions than leather whips, so you save your good leather whips for special days.
DeSaye whips are custom built, with colors, length, and style determined at the time of order. I'd love to hear from you if you have questions or need advice.
Whip-Braiding Background
In the early 1980's cowboy artist and whip-cracker Fred Fellows gave me my first whip handling lessons and encouragement to start making whips.
Wally Cantrell was my first whip-braiding teacher while I worked with him in Montana's Bear's Paw Mountains. Later in Arizona, I learned a lot more about braiding and knot tying from Loren Miller, retired Oregon rancher and life-long rawhide braider.
Both of my early braiding mentors have passed on, but they are never far from my mind when I am braiding a new whip.
In the years since, with the input from many cowboys, ranchers, and other whip enthusiasts, I have developed a selection of hand-braided nylon whips that compare in functional ability to leather whips of the highest quality.